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A Society for everyone, there are no entry requirements.
We have professional artists and art-trained members, serious amateurs as well as hobbyists and late-beginners / learners
Our membership extends beyond Chichester to surrounding towns and villages and neighbouring counties​
You are warmly invited to swell our membership of over 200
As well as meetings and workshops members can visit Galleries and Exhibitions , go on summer sketching outings and borrow books or DVDs from our library
Easy Access Venue
Free Parking

​Year  round
twice monthly meetings
with a wide ranging​
programme of daytime and evening events
​Tutored workshops featuring well known artists in a variety of media

​​Our Summer Exhibition will be held at the Oxmarket Galleries in Chichester from Tuesday June 18th to Sunday June 30th 2019 This annual showcase is open to all members and includes the President's Award
Private View
Monday June 17th -  6-7.30pm
The Exhibition is a part of
The Festival of Chichester
​We make other aw​ards throughout the year for work in various media.​
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