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Address for correspondence


Chichester Art Society

The Bassil Shippam Centre

Tozer Way


PO19 7LG

Meeting place

The Bassil Shippam Centre

Tozer Way


PO19 7LG

Why don't you join us

Membership of the Society is open to Professional and Semi-professional artists, serious and hobby amateurs
and non-practitioners who want to know more about art
The annual me​mbership is £30
Members joining after 1st July will pay £20 for the rest of the year
New subscriptions taken out in Nov/Dec will run to the end of the following year
​Where two members live at the same address, the rate is £50
Student members under 22 pay £20
Membership Secretary
Jenny Currell
01243 930616         
Members pay £1 at each meeting they attend.  This includes refreshments.  Non-member visitors pay £3​

Art Society Banking details


Account name                       Chichester Art Society

Sort code                          30-93-97

Account number            01455848   



When paying by BACs pleases add a reference

e.g.    w/shop + Dellar or Sub, etc.



Chichester Art Society

Policy for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


Data stored and processed

Each member's postal address, telephone numbers, email address, date joined CAS, type of membership (member, joint, honorary, life, student) and renewal details.
Data is stored electronically on a memory stick held by the Membership Secretary, and provided to committee members for Society business as required.
The personal details of past members are stored separately.


Source of data

Data is provided principally by the individual member via their application form, plus subsequent amendments as supplied by the member.


Processing of data

Data is used solely by members of the committee to inform members of Society activities via email and/or post. Members’ data is not used for any other purpose or released to any third party. Requests to delete personal data should be submitted in writing or by email to the Membership Secretary.


Lawful grounds for processing data

The processing of personal data is for the legitimate reasons of the Society to contact members with information about the activities of the Society.


Policy review

The policy is reviewed annually by the Society’s committee.


March 2018

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